It's like trying to escape quick sand while sinking deeper and deeper
Or simply trying to stand, but you keep falling down
Love is like drowning, losing air, like breathing underwater...
Baby don't hurt me? Love must be Pain... blood-curdling, unbearable, gut-wrenching, paralyzing stupefying pain...
Better yet, how about this?
love is just a bogus fairy tale constructed to keep women docile...
yeah I said it...which brings me to...
The Story of Lilith
For those who have never heard the name before you may be wondering... Who is this Lilith?
In my own words....
Lilith (as a myth) was apparently Adam's first wife, yeh, Eve was a matey lol, but Lilith did done sight the rake...and she decide seh she nah guh jus drop pickney like puppy no siree Adam. So she cut...yup...just like that... and is not until Adam finally realise seh shi not coming back that them bruk out piece a him ribs an turn it into Eve. But that's not where the drama begins, no sah.
They couldn't allow for there to be any recollection of a defiant woman in the Bible because that would contradict the patriarchy they were constructing and so...
Women like Ruth only got a few pages in the Bible because I guess women didn't have the capacity to read and write right? bull shit! And poor Delilah was portrayed as a ruthless bitch, when she was just trying to protect her own, with the mere exception of Deborah the great judge and prophetess who didn't even get a book of her own
Ooh and then the whole foolishness about women having to keep pure for their pieces of meat to be bought, slaughtered and devoured.
How was this allowed you may ask? because Lilith was erased as a symbol of strength and forced to dwell in myths of darkness and evil.
When it came to sexuality, "Lilith typifies the Anath-worshipping Canaanite women, who were permitted pre-nuptial promiscuity" - (3)
Can you imagine that? Pre-nuptial promiscuity without condemnation. Can you spell Heaven? lol

So in my quest to gain a better understanding of the historical relevance of my current situation, I found Lilith and Gaia and I've dusted them off and I take them on my journey as a symbol of my strength as I endeavor to discover the truth. I will continue to conduct my own research until I am satisfied and content with the world.
I fight the patriarchy because it has had a monopoly over the choices and progression of women for way too long. Viva Lilith & Gaia!!!
As my Mother always said...A little knowledge is a dangerous
God Bless Google
Nota Bene: I really do love men..there is absolutely no doubt about it...
I love their strength, and their abilities, their sweet caresses...not to mention that tool in between their legs! Who could not love that? lol...
I'm just saying though..A ooman time now! and i need a man that can understand and respect that... So far, i've found none....
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