No, this is not the title for some erotic fiction (even though that does give me an idea). 'Secret of Blue Water' is the title of the movie/ anime featuring a character named [drumroll please] ....
>>> Nadia!!! Yes genklepeeple! I'm an ANIME!!! and a Dark-skinded one at that! Yaaay me!!!
and even though it's spelt with an I instead of a Y... they are both spelt the same in katakana >>> ナディア.
I tend to get worked up about the spelling of my name [with a Y not an I] because, well, it exemplifies just how unique I truly am.
In any case. I've been meaning to post this on here for a while now and I wasn't gunna let the new year ketch mi with it still as an intention.
I am well on my way to beating this beast called procrastination!
But yeh, that's all for now.
thinking of going as my Anime for Halloween next year...
NadYa Dee
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