I am hoping above and beyond all hopes that this is some play on words that I don't get because I've been living outside of Jamaica. Or maybe it's a word I'm not familiar with? Because I REFUSE to believe that the imbeciles at the Jamaica Gleaner really mispelled the word GROW. And in the fucking headline at that!!!!!!!!
So until I receive clarification I will don my dunce cap and assume that the Gleaner is using some superior language in which gerow is an actual word.
Outside of that I would be left only to believe that the Gleaner editors hate their jobs and are attempting to sabotage the paper.
See for yourself here --> GEROW for maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me.
I even refreshed the page...but it's still there! Please tell me this is a bad dream!!! Or maybe a horrible prank? I'm so flabbergasted I feel like therowing something!
So apparently it's wasn't done on purpose it was a typo see the correction here...
Wonders never cease!
still in disbelief as to the fuckry that is the Jamaica Gleaner
NadYa Dee
I checked and it saw it and it says "GROW". Seems someone alerted them or they read your article, lol.