I'm just glad to finally be back to normal i.e. online idling, with the excpetion of instead of waking at noon (not a minute before) bunning a scliff and having a cocktail, I now wake early in the morning (which is evening in Jamaica so it's kinda the same thing) and get ready for the 45 minute drive to school where I pretend to be an English teacher which really means being a repository of English pronounciation ["Repeat after me"etc.]. Heck I don't mind! It pays the bills...more that pays the bills actually...it bought me this here laptop :D Sugoi !!!
Alas, i'll just have to have sex vicariously through my characters.
I'm really planning to dedicate more time to developing characters and not just sex stories to make ppl horny, I think i've sorta gotten the hang of that, time for a challenge.
I doubt anyone will read this, which is not a problem, I'm more than used to communicating and conversing with myself. It's just that these thoughts and at times random stories need an outlet. They're just floating around my head, colliding with my memories and my dreams and causing one bag of confusion. I need mental organisation because i'm really starting to think i've got this ADD thing they keep talking about. Anyways enough of that shit, my life's playlist is just set on shuffle is all. :) It feels so good though, to be doing this again. I look forward to doing it everyday from now on. What with me having soooo much free time to myself. Maybe i'll even write that novel i've been talkin about, maybe! One step at a time though, let's not put the cart before the donkey.
Before I sign out though...to the person who posted about living in Ijuin, if you do happen to stumble back across this here blog could you please leave me your contact info or something, as you could have guessed by now i'm here, for about two months now...so plz drop me a line, maybe we can get together, i've got ppl here who wanna meet you as well. shiriamashooka? (i think :-S)
Ok that's it for now, unless a story comes to me out of the blue then i'll hurry and post it before it drifts away...oh the wonders of wireless internet and portable computers. I Heart NIPPON!
Oyasuminasai! (Good Night...yeh it's night here now)
Nadyadee-san signing out!
Glad to have you back.